
Installing MikuMikuDance (hereafter MMD) is a straightforward process. Since it is a portable application (meaning you just click on the file to run it), there is no need to have administrator permissions on the computer you are using if you already have all of the requirements installed. There aren't many, and your average not-freshly-installed device should have them already.


  • Windows XP+
  • At least 1GB free space (for dependencies)
  • A reasonably fast graphics card (optional, but highly recommended)


Firstly, you'll want to download the required software to run the software. Don't worry about overwriting anything - the programs will automatically tell you if it is installed and you can safely delete the file afterwards. If you're on Windows XP, you can skip this step.

The following software should be downloaded in order to use the latest version of MikuMikuDance:

In case you are unsure of your system type, if your computer was built in the last 10 years you can assume it's 64-bit



After downloading these programs, you can click on them to install. These can be installed in any order you wish, and if you want to double-check everything is working properly you can restart your computer afterwards.

Next, you'll want to download MMD. There are multiple versions available, but most things are compatible with the latest, which as of writing is v932.

(FOR 64-BIT SYSTEMS): Downloadopen in new window

(FOR 32-BIT SYSTEMS): Downloadopen in new window

(FOR WINDOWS XP SYSTEMS): Downloadopen in new window

These will be downloaded as .zip files instead of .exe files, so you'll need to right click them and click "Extract all...", then "Extract". The folder containing MMD will then open in a new window. You can access MMD later through wherever you extracted it to.

Finally, just click on MikuMikuDance.exe and you can get started!

Last Updated:
Contributors: David Ralph